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South Africa 2009
Village weaver / grote textorweverBateleurBateleur (juv.)Bennets-woodpecker // Bennet spechtGoliath heron,  reuzenreigerwhitefronted bee-eater/   witkap-bijeneterLesser striped swallow /   savanne-zwaluwLong tailed starling/   SpreeuwSouthern ground hornbill /   zuidelijke hoornraaf (bromvogel)brown hooded kingfisher /  bruinkap-ijsvogelCrested barbet  / kuifbaardvogelBurchell's coucal in the rain /  spoorkoekoekRed-billed hornbill  / roodsnaveltokYellowbilled hornbill / geelsnaveltokcooling off in the birth bath in Lower sabieWater thick-knee /  waterdikkop